Friday, September 24, 2010

Day Twelve - Something You Are OCD About

Sorry, I skipped eleven...I don't have one.  Those who know me well know the pictures of me are VERY few and far between.

On to what I am OCD about...the biggest thing I would have to admit would be my dishwasher.  Everything has its own specific place in the dishwasher, and I get very testy if it is put in the wrong spot (just keeping it real).  I have had to learn in someways to let go of it because if I want Terry to help me wash the dishes occasionally, I can't be a jerk about it, but it is difficult.  I mean, even in the silverware holder, each utensil has its own slot: small spoons in one, big forks in another, table knives and serrated knives separated into their own compartments.  Believe it or not, there is method to my madness...mostly, it makes it easier to put them away.  All I have to do is grab them and put them in their slot in the drawer.  No having to separate them first, that is already done!  Makes perfect sense to me!

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