Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 14 - A Non-Fictional Book

This is the book that I am in the middle of reading right now, and this book has touched me in more ways than I could even count.  Mary Beth has been incredibly honest about her struggles, not just with losing Maria, but also with the ways that she has struggled throughout her life in giving up her plans and her will to surrender to God's.  I see myself in so many pages in this book and have been asking the Lord to help me to choose to see the ways that He is working in my life that are for my good even if they aren't what I would choose and to stop fighting Him when He begins working in my heart.  I look back on my life, and I see so many times when the Lord has begun to do a work in my heart that I have come out swinging.  I don't want to do that anymore.  I want surrender to be my first reaction, not my last.  There is so much HOPE in these pages filled with confessions and tears that our God is not distant, that He is ever near, that His love is far surpassing anything and everything that we could ever imagine.  So I would recommend this book to be read by anyone who struggles with trusting God even when you can't SEE where He is leading.

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