Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Getting out of debt

This is SO where I want to be, but it is so hard to get there.

July 29, 2009

Getting out of Debt

Managing the Money Maze (Jan Thompson)

A few years ago, Jan Thompson warned that Americans were spending too much and getting too far into debt. The problems she anticipated crashed down upon us over the last year. Listen as she provides solid advice on avoiding another crisis.

If God owns it all, then every spending decision is a spiritual decision. It is a heart decision. If I want to honor the Lord, I need to understand not just what’s coming in but how am I spending it?

As long as we continue to finance a lifestyle through debt vehicles, we are going to continue to dishonor the Lord, and we can’t expect Him to do the miraculous.

Making the change has to come from a commitment in your heart that you will not spend anything that God has not given you permission to do and that you will get out of debt just as quickly as possible.

1 comment:

  1. This kinda answers my questions about buying an MP3 player... *sheepish grin* I do have one, bu it's a small cheap deal, and there are some nicer ones out there... I could easily rationalize through it and buy one anyhow. I need to remember that it's GOD'S money, thus it's GOD'S decission. For some reason I think He would rather I use that money for other things.
