Thursday, April 16, 2009

Pain and Thankfulness

This is exactly what I needed to read today. It stomped on my toes, but it was definitely something that I needed to be put into perspective. I pray the Lord will help me to remember that even in the physical pain that I may suffer, as of right now, I am not suffering as so many martyrs out there in the world TODAY are suffering in prison or at the hands of those who hate the name of Christ. And I pray that IF that day comes for me, that the Lord will give me the grace then to remember as so many have before me, that it still cannot compare with all that He bore for me. Lord, please change my vision. Help me to SEE.

April 16, 2009

Pain and Thankfulness

Nancy Leigh DeMoss: When you feel pain, what’s the first thing you do?

“Do you have any aspirin?”

Nancy: None of us like pain, but it can be a motivation for us to be thankful. Jonathan Edwards wrote:

"I'm resolved when I feel pain to think of the pains of martyrdom and of hell."

Nancy: Think about that for a minute. Edwards knew he’d always experience pain on this earth, but he wanted it to move him to thankfulness. Thankfulness that he wasn’t facing the pain of martyrdom like so many who had gone before him. Thankfulness that through God’s mercy we can escape the unimaginable pain of separation from God in hell.

It puts things into perspective. No pain we can endure here on earth compares to the pain from which we’ve been spared. Ask God to help you live in a spirit of thankfulness today, no matter what you’re going through.

With Seeking Him, I’m Nancy Leigh DeMoss.


  1. This was such a good reminder to me too.

  2. btw....The lady is sorta working out. She is having "life trouble" right now, but she is suppose to be back in May. And in the mean time she might be able to work one day a week. :sigh: It's going to be a long couple of weeks. Poor Gabe, he is already feeling burnt out. Pray that he does not go crazy.
    Thanks.....Love ya!
