Friday, March 19, 2010

"God Guides Specifically"

"A popular teaching says God does not give people specific directives. It claims He gave us brains and the Bible, and these two are sufficient to guide us in all decision making. This position implies that a Christian always thinks correctly, according to God's will. It doesn't take into account that the old nature is constantly at odds with the spiritual nature (see Rom. 7), and it neglects the important fact that our ways are not God's ways (see Isa. 55:8).
After God spoke to Noah about building an ark, Noah knew the size, the type of materials, and how to put it together. When God spoke to Moses about constructing the tabernacle, He was extremely specific about the details. When God became flesh, He gave specific directions to His disciples - where to go, what to do, how to respond to people who accepted or rejected their message, and what to preach.
God called Abraham and said, "Go out from your land, your relatives, and your father's house to the land that I will show you" (Gen. 12:1). Since He was not very specific at first, God's instructions required faith on Abraham's part. But God did promise to reveal His plans as Abraham obeyed. God always provides enough specific directions so you can do what He wants you to do at the moment. When you need to know more, He will guide you. As time went on, God revealed to Abraham that a son would be born to him. He also spoke to Abraham about the number of his descendents, the territory his people would inhabit, and He revealed that Abraham's descendents would go into bondage, eventually to be delivered.
The Holy Spirit continues to give clear directives today. He will give you unmistakable guidance for your life. You may say, "That has not been my experience." But be careful not to let your personal experience become the measure of what the Christian life is supposed to be like. Rather than dismissing anything you read in the Bible that does not match what you have experienced, ask the Lord to raise the level of your experience to the standard presented in Scripture.
If you have not received instructions from God on a matter, pray and wait. Learn patience. Depend on God's timing, for His agenda is always best. Don't be in a hurry. Don't try to skip over the relationship to get on with the activity."

Henry Blackaby, Richard Blackaby, Claude King

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